Bay Ltd. Employees Donate to Coastal Bend Blood Center
Donating a pint of blood is one of the simplest ways to help save a life and Bay employees may have helped save up to 285 lives by donating 95 units of blood to the Coastal Bend Blood Center at our most recent blood drive on December 11. Donation stations were set up at the main Berry Building as well as the yard and docks for persons wanting to contribute. Each donation acquired can save as many as three lives and according to the Blood Center’s website, certain types such as A-, B-, O-, AB- and AB+ are in greatest demand.
Blood Donation: The Facts
According to the American Red Cross, someone needs blood every two seconds in the United States pharmacie du viagra. This means that approximately 41,000 units of blood are needed each day. Due to accidents, emergencies or illnesses requiring frequent transfusions such as Sickle cell disease, thousands of Americans depend on the daily resources of blood banks that must keep up with the growing demand.
Blood donation is a simple, relatively pain-free process that consists of a few easy steps. Upon arrival, all donors are registered and then asked a few questions regarding their medical history. They will then undergo a quick exam to record their body temperature, blood pressure, pulse rate and blood iron levels. A phlebotomist will begin to draw the blood and the procedure lasts for just a few minutes. Each pint of donated blood is carefully screened for HIV, hepatitis B and C, syphilis and other infectious diseases before being stored at the Coastal Bend Blood Center.
Ensuring that healthy supplies of blood are readily available may not only save the life of a stranger, but can also help someone you love. All Bay employees who donate during one of the company’s regular blood drives will have their units entered into the Coastal Bend Blood Center’s “Bay Bank”. If the employee or any member of the employee’s family is in need of blood, their donation will be provided at no cost to the family.
We look forward to our next blood drive and encourage all employees to participate and help us have the largest and most successful one yet. To learn more about blood donation and how you can help save a life, please visit